Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I think today is the third or fourth day in a row that it hasn't quit reached 60 degrees during the day. Yes, I know, that isn't cold. But I'm so used to high 70 and 80s that when it's low forties at night my teeth are chattering away and bumps attack my body. I'm about to stop shaving my legs to have some leg warmers going on ;). HA! just kidding. I do enjoy wearing my leggings with my boots and a hoody though. I would wear a coat but that's up in Missouri because it takes up too much closet space for only a months use out of the year. So I will have to survive and try to stay as bundled as possible.

Enough about the weather, school is coming along. Slowly but surely, I'm trying to mark stuff off of my to-do list. I bought this awesome app called aNote for my phone and it organizes all of my to-dos, ideas, studies, shopping, traveling and pretty much anything that needs to be noted. I love every time that I get to tap on the empty little box to check something off of the list. One, it makes me feel that I have achieved something. Two, it makes me feel like I will more free time. And three, it becomes that much closer to having a month break!

I am excited to go home and see my family and friends, don't get my wrong, but I'm nervous and frustrated at the same time. At the beginning it's awesome because I'm trying to see everyone and catch up, but then it becomes long because everyone at home is still working and I am not so I get bored. I'm not able to work and make money and that gets frustrating because I love making money and I enjoy working (weird I know). But I enjoy it because I feel useful and it gives me stuff to do while making money instead of sitting around or trying to find something to fill my time. My sister will be playing winter volleyball so I really hope that I can help out with that, as my mom is the coach and make it to all of her games.

Well it's time to get serious and get to work on my projects and start checking some things off the list ;). Hopefully! lol.

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